After receiving a generous $1 billion donation from the 93-year-old widow of a prominent Wall Street investor, a New York City medical school announces free tuition for its students

Dr. Ruth Gottesman, a former professor at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, made headlines with her monumental $1 billion donation to the institution. This landmark contribution, one of the largest ever made to a US school and the largest to a medical school, promises to reshape the landscape of medical education.

Situated in the Bronx, New York City's most economically disadvantaged borough, Albert Einstein College of Medicine faces unique challenges in addressing healthcare disparities. Dr. Yaron Yomer, the university dean, hailed the transformative impact of Dr. Gottesman's gift, emphasizing its potential to diversify student demographics and alleviate the burden of tuition, which currently stands at nearly $59,000 annually.

The donation not only ensures free tuition for all students, including those currently enrolled, but also offers reimbursement for spring 2024 tuition fees for final-year students. Dr. Yomer expressed gratitude for the newfound opportunities this philanthropy affords, enabling students to pursue ambitious projects and ideas without financial constraints.

Dr. Gottesman's ties to Albert Einstein College of Medicine span decades, beginning in 1968 when she embarked on a distinguished career in education and research. Her late husband, David "Sandy" Gottesman, a trailblazing investor and early supporter of Berkshire Hathaway, played a pivotal role in shaping her philanthropic vision. Dr. Gottesman underscored the legacy of excellence instilled by Einstein-trained physicians, whose impact resonates locally in the Bronx and globally.

Reflecting on her husband's legacy and her decision to allocate the donation towards tuition-free education, Dr. Gottesman expressed hope that her late husband would approve of her choice. With her husband's trust and support, she endeavors to honor his memory by empowering future generations of medical professionals to serve their communities with compassion and dedication.