Recent reports reveal a troubling trend of journalists pilfering souvenirs from US President Joe Biden's official aircraft, Air Force One. Following an inventory check conducted after Biden's visit to the US west coast in February, it was discovered that several items had gone missing from the plane's press section, including branded pillowcases, glasses, and gold-rimmed plates.

Expressing concern over this behavior, the White House Correspondents' Association issued a stern warning, emphasizing that taking items from the aircraft is strictly prohibited. In a recent email to reporters, the association underscored that such actions reflect poorly on the press pool, the group of journalists accompanying the president, and demanded an immediate cessation of such practices.

While journalists are occasionally gifted small packages of M&Ms chocolates adorned with the presidential seal as souvenirs, reports suggest that the appropriation of items bearing the Air Force One logo, such as cutlery and towels, has been a common occurrence for years.

Misha Komadovsky, a White House Correspondent representing the Voice of America, has been noted for his discreet accumulation of souvenirs from his travels aboard the president's plane. However, the recent spotlight on this issue underscores the need for heightened accountability and adherence to ethical standards within the press corps covering presidential activities.

In an interview with BBC News, Misha Komadovsky defended his collection of Air Force One memorabilia, asserting that he hadn't embarrassed anyone or committed any wrongdoing in assembling it. Displaying a paper cup adorned with the Air Force One logo, Komadovsky explained that he had simply forgotten to dispose of it. Additionally, he showcased a box of presidential M&Ms bearing Joe Biden's signature, humorously noting that they were ordinary M&Ms packaged in an elegant box.

Air Force One, often referred to as the president's "office in the sky," boasts an impressive 4,000 square feet (372 square meters) of floor space spread across three levels. Its luxurious amenities include a spacious suite for the president, a fully equipped medical station complete with an operating table, a conference and dining room, and two food preparation galleys capable of catering to 100 individuals simultaneously. Moreover, the aircraft features designated areas for the press, VIPs, security personnel, and secretarial staff.

Renowned for its advanced avionics and formidable defenses, Air Force One is classified as a military aircraft designed to withstand potential air attacks. Its ability to refuel mid-air enables it to fly indefinitely, a crucial capability in emergency situations. Equipped with state-of-the-art secure communications systems, the aircraft serves as a mobile command center, featuring 85 onboard telephones, a variety of two-way radios, and computer connections.

In the layout of Air Force One, the president occupies the front section of the plane, while journalists are stationed towards the rear. This division reflects the aircraft's role as both a symbol of executive power and a practical means of transportation for presidential activities.