During a session of the United Nations Security Council, Israel's Ambassador to the UN delivered a robust condemnation of the concept of Palestinian statehood. Ambassador Erdan went as far as to insinuate that the UN had deviated from its initial objective of curbing the proliferation of Nazi ideology by endorsing the idea of Palestinian statehood. In a poignant moment, Erdan presented a photograph from World War II depicting Haj Amin Al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, engaged in conversation with German Chancellor Adolf Hitler. This historical imagery aimed to underscore the alleged alignment between certain Palestinian figures and the Nazi regime, suggesting that support for Palestinian statehood could be seen as an inadvertent endorsement of past anti-Semitic sentiments.

Ambassador Erdan highlighted the historical context surrounding Haj Amin Al-Husseini, whom he characterized as a pivotal figure in Palestinian nationalism. He underscored Al-Husseini's documented support for the Nazi regime and his fervent anti-Semitic stance, citing Al-Husseini's appeals to Hitler for assistance in removing the British Mandate and curbing Jewish immigration to the Holy Land. Despite Al-Husseini's pleas, Hitler declined to intervene in the region. Erdan emphasized that the Palestinian agenda of eradicating Jews predates the establishment of both the United Nations and the State of Israel after World War II. Erdan asserted that the core of the conflict remains unchanged over time, alleging that it revolves around the goal of destroying Israel and exterminating Jews rather than mere political disputes or territorial divisions. Furthermore, Erdan accused the United Nations of inadvertently supporting contemporary jihadist ideologies by entertaining the notion of establishing a Palestinian state, which he equated to reinforcing modern-day proponents of Nazi-like terror tactics.

During the U.N. Security Council session on Monday, Ambassador Erdan expressed vehement opposition to the prospect of Palestine attaining full membership in the United Nations, characterizing it as the establishment of a "Palesti-Nazi state." Erdan cautioned against granting statehood to an entity he accused of advocating terrorism and seeking Israel's destruction. He provocatively suggested that if Hitler were alive today, he would endorse the U.N.'s support for Palestinian statehood. The Security Council convened to address the Palestinian Authority's aspirations for U.N. membership, reigniting discussions surrounding the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Last week, proponents advocating for the Palestinians' bid for full membership in the United Nations called upon the U.N. Security Council to reconsider and reignite discussions surrounding their application for admission, which was initially submitted in 2011. This renewed effort reflects ongoing efforts by Palestinian supporters to elevate the status of Palestine within the international community and address the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the diplomatic stage.