The Israeli military has reported that 99% of the missiles and drones launched by Iran overnight were successfully intercepted, averting damage to their intended targets. Iran justified this assault as retaliation for a recent deadly attack on an Iranian diplomatic compound in Syria.

The trajectory of events from here hinges significantly on Israel's chosen course of action in response to this provocation.

In the aftermath of Iran's overnight missile and drone attack, the Israeli military reports that 99% of the projectiles were intercepted, averting significant damage. Iran launched the assault purportedly in retaliation for a fatal strike on an Iranian diplomatic facility in Syria a fortnight earlier. The situation now hinges on Israel's response to this aggression, with the potential for further escalation looming.

The United States maintains military installations across all six Gulf Arab states, including Syria, Iraq, and Jordan. These installations, vital for U.S. strategic interests in the region, could potentially become targets for Iran's extensive arsenal of ballistic missiles and other weaponry, despite enduring international sanctions.

Furthermore, Iran possesses the capability to execute a longstanding threat: closing the strategically critical Strait of Hormuz. By deploying mines, drones, and fast attack craft, Iran could effectively block off nearly a quarter of the world's oil supplies, sparking a catastrophic scenario. Such an action could escalate tensions and draw the United States and Gulf states into a region-wide conflict, a situation that many governments are diligently working to prevent.