Caitlin Clark, the standout player from Iowa, solidified her status as one of the greatest women's college basketball players by becoming the NCAA women's all-time leading scorer during a game against Michigan.

With just eight points needed to break the record, Clark effortlessly achieved this milestone, scoring her first three field goals consecutively. Her record-breaking shot, a seemingly improbable attempt, effortlessly swished through the net, surpassing Kelsey Plum's previous record of 3,527 points at Washington from 2013 to 2017.

Clark's remarkable achievement came early in the game, with her first eight points also marking the first points scored by Iowa. Despite Clark's preference to continue playing without interruption, Iowa eventually called a timeout to acknowledge her historic accomplishment, amidst the crowd's enthusiastic applause.

This extraordinary feat was only a glimpse of Clark's prowess, as she continued to dominate the game, scoring an impressive 23 points in the first quarter alone, with an impressive shooting