Social media users in Chile are campaigning for the return of a stone monument from Easter Island, currently held at the British Museum.

In 1868, the British Museum acquired two moai statues from Easter Island, part of Chile's territory known as Rapa Nui.

Following an influencer's call, social media users began urging the museum to return the moai, prompting the museum to disable comments on one of its posts.

Rapa Nui, famous for its moai statues believed to represent ancestors' spirits, is home to many of these ancient monuments, though some have been relocated to museums worldwide, including the British Museum's Hoa Hakananai'a. Given as gifts to Queen Victoria in 1869, these statues have sparked ongoing debate about repatriation to Rapa Nui.

'Stolen friend': Rapa Nui seek return of moai statue

Chilean social media influencer Mike Milfort spearheaded a renewed campaign urging the repatriation of the moai statue, with his followers flooding the comments sections of the British Museum's Instagram posts.

Milfort, known for discussing the moai in his viral videos, witnessed his followers advocating for the statue's return across various platforms, including Wikipedia and social media.

Chile's President Gabriel Boric voiced support for the sentiment during a recent radio interview, while the British Museum deactivated comments on one post, citing safeguarding concerns.

The museum emphasizes its positive relationship with Rapa Nui and highlights visits from the community to London since 2018, amidst ongoing global discussions about repatriating cultural artifacts.